Electronic Equipment is one of the inventions of today industrial development.
It not only plays an important role to support the business activities, but also to many activities of modern life.
Customers usually have to pay attention to the risks which could threaten their electronic equipments. Our Electronic Equipment Insurance will protect customers from unforeseen and sudden loss or damage to their electronic equipments.

The Insured:
Business owners, contractors, property owners, lessors…

Insured subject:
Telephone system, transmission and Studio Euqipment for Radio and TV systems, Data-Processing Systems, Electro-Medical Equipment, Electronic Equipment Used at Airports and other electronic equipments, which are declared in the Schedule.

As soon as possible, BIC will indemnify the Insured for loss or damage to the insured electronic equipments in the following conditions:
- Material Damage: Unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage by any cause other than exclusive causes such as consequence of the continual influence of operation, theft, faults or defects existing before the commencement of this insurance or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, overhauling or of being shifted within the premises, or in the course of the aforesaid operation themselves, or during subsequent re-erection.
- External Data Media: BIC will indemnify the Insured for material loss or damage to external data media, which have been declared in the Schedule, by any cause covered under Section 1 excluding any costs arising from false programming, inadvertent canceling of information or discarding of data media, and from loss of information caused by magnetic fields…
- Increased Costs of Working: BIC will indemnify the Insured for additional expenditure incurred to apply a substitute EDP equipment in replacement for the damaged one, which is covered under Section 1, in order to avoid a total or partial interruption of operation.